Underpinning is the best process that makes your foundation stable and strong. Generally, this is required if the foundation of your house is not strong or stable enough or if the original purpose of the structure has changed because of improper and weak foundation. So if the characteristics of the soil beneath the building have change and if it is loosened, then it is recommended to go for the underpinning process. There are many types of Underpinning methods which can be undertaken based on the requirements and nature of the soil. They Include:

Depth and Breadth Method

The depth and Breadth method involves the underpinning of a property in depth and breadth so that the building rests on the soil and simply redistributes the weight over a large surface area. This process is disrupting, time consuming and expensive, but gives the best results by providing the best foundation for your home.
Mass Concrete Method

The Mass Concrete Method is the traditional type of underpinning that dates back a hundred years and has been done in the same process for the past 100 years. The process involves the digging of box shaped voids beneath a building’s existing foundation and filling them with concrete in a specified order to create a foundation below a foundation. This is an easy process, which does not need any heavy equipment, and the labor charges can also be kept down and even the building can be used while the work is being carried out.

Beam and Base Method

The Beam and Base Method is an updation of the Mass Concrete Method in which a reinforced concrete beam is built either above or below or as a replacement of the current footing. The total weight of the building is redirected onto a number of mass concrete bases placed at certain strategic positions. The construction of the beams completely depends upon the type of the building affected and where the loads are applied. If the expandable clay soil is present underneath, anti heave precaution must be taken and incorporated into the underpinning process.

Mini-Piled Method

The Mini-piled underpinning method is useful where the ground condition is variable and where the access to the foundation is limited and allows the loads to be transferred down to stable grounds at depths that are usually greater than five meters. The installation of these

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